
Hone Your Critical Thinking Skills with an MS

Hone Your Critical Thinking Skills with an MS

You can teach academics and information, but to hone your critical thinking skills you’ll need to have more than book-smarts. You need to have an inquisitive mind and a drive to see other ways to complete a task. Further, the ability to share your insights with others in a clear and thoughtful way will help hone your critical thinking skills because you’re giving it a voice and you have to make it easily understandable.

Discussion Boards to Hone Your Critical Thinking Skills

Discussion boards are one way to hone your critical thinking skills. How? They give you feedback on flaws in your logic or research process. You’re able to leverage the successes and failures of others with your findings.

In-person Networking to Hone Your Critical Thinking Skills

What better way to think on your feet and express your opinions than an in-person event? Through the simple act of conversation others may ask questions you hadn’t thought of. Or, you’re able to provide an example or sample of information in a way you’ve never tried before.

Where a discussion board gives you moments to reflect, in-person conversation is immediate. If you don’t know how to network, don’t worry. Think of networking as a chance to have a few conversations with potential strangers that you may never see again. However, there is also a chance they appreciate your level of critical thinking skills and offer a step towards career advancement.

Ways to Approach Discussion Boards

For those looking to expand their strategic and analytical abilities (aka hone your critical thinking skills), a people analytics career may be the right path.

Consider these tips for advancing your critical thinking skills.

  • Treat a discussion board like a real-life conversation. If you need to take a moment before responding, that’s better than rushing to the wrong conclusions or a defensive position.
  • Respectfully challenge ideas if you are uncomfortable with a sentiment — but be prepared for others to do the same.
  • If you’re a professional or master of a topic, don’t shy away from citing your sources. However, be prepared for other professionals to have their own sources of information.
  • Rather than post everything in one day, spread it throughout the week. You’re likely to glean different insights throughout the week that may change your approach.
  • Proofread your posts before you click “send.”
  • Each class or discussion board has its own personality, so be mindful of any guidelines or implied rules.
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